High Blood Pressure
Nicknamed the “silent killer,” high blood pressure is known for increasing your risk of heart disease without causing obvious symptoms. At CareFirst Wellness Associates, our expert family practitioners, monitor you regularly and get your blood pressure under control. To book your blood pressure evaluation at one of the our clinic location, you can text or call us directly at office number.
High blood pressure, medically known as hypertension, is a chronic, often slow-forming condition that leads to excessive pressure against your arterial walls with each pump of your heart. You can develop high blood pressure due to:
Being overweight or obese
Having a diet high in sodium (salt)
Developing thyroid disorders or adrenal gland tumors
Having a family history of hypertension
Following a sedentary lifestyle
While any man or woman of any age can develop high blood pressure, your chances go up as you age, especially after age 65.
The frightening thing about high blood pressure is that it causes no obvious symptoms until it’s dangerously high. Your blood pressure should remain below 120/80 mm Hg. Blood pressure is considered high if it’s anywhere between 120/80 mm Hg to 140/90 mm Hg. But you’re unlikely to know that it’s this high unless you take your blood pressure reading.
Blood pressure might start causing some symptoms if it’s over 180/120 mm Hg. This condition, known as an emergency hypertensive crisis, can lead to:
Severe chest pain
Shortness of breath
Confusion or blurred vision
Our health care team check your blood pressure reading every time you come into CareFirst Wellness Associates clinic. By keeping track of your blood pressure readings, they can get you started on treatments to bring it down as quickly as possible.
Usually, the best way to treat high blood pressure is through making lifestyle changes. Our providers may suggest:
Cutting back on salt
Maintaining a healthy weight
Getting more exercise
Decreasing your alcohol intake
They can even help you with dietary and nutrition planning to ensure you’re eating the right foods. If your blood pressure is continuing to rise or if it’s just not coming down after months of making lifestyle changes, you might need hypertension medications.
Our providers select the best possible high blood pressure medication for your specific needs — they all work differently. These medications can flush out excess fluid buildup, open up blood vessels or help relax blood vessels. The CareFirst Wellness Associates team works diligently to ensure you reach a healthier blood pressure reading as quickly as possible.
Book your high blood pressure evaluation at CareFirst Wellness Associates today. Request your appointment by Text or call over the phone.